New members will be sent a link to pay for CREW plans.
New Members
Returning member
Returning member
4 months
16 one hour quests
Welcome Pack
Island Program
Captain Admission*
Regional Group Membership
Mihonichi and Elusen Events
Ludus Cup and Games
Guardian Chest
Crew leader
Encourage team collaboration before sessions
Moderator during quests
Responsible for Google Doc and Google Slide
Build leadership skills
Possibility to become an Ambassador of your region
10% off
8 months limited to 32 one hour quests
Loyalty Program
Unlock Guardian*
Island Program
Regional Group Membership
Mihonichi and Elusen Events
Ludus Cup and Games
PelagoMate and PelagoWander
Magical Guardian
Complete our form and our artists will create your guardian. Could be some sort of animal, hero, creature, plant, anything you can imagine. This character will be uploaded to our PelagoDex page where it will develope over time. We will have special events and sessions for those interested.
15% off
limited to 52 one hour quests
Optional Ambassador Admission*
Regional main island*
Loyalty Program
Island Program
Regional Group Membership
Mihonichi and Elusen Events
Ludus Cup and Games
PelagoMate and PelagoWander
Represent your region during special events
Previously a Captain but not required
Certificate of being an Ambassador
Possibility to take part in Ambassador quests
Will look good on your educational CV
Build leadership skills
Regional Main Island
Islands which continue for the year have the chance to branch off and become a regional main island. A group page will be made entirely for the island where members can invite others to join. Once a member count of 20, we will have new quests for just this island.